It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside today! Full sunshine with temps on the 60 degree range. While I'm definitely a huge fan of cold weather and rain/snow, I can enjoy a temperate day and sunshine as well. Especially at this time of year in North Dakota!
So Baby G and I went out to enjoy sun for a little while. And we took his Curious George jack-in-the-box along with us. George needed some sun too.
I absolutely adore this shot. G hasn't figured out how to turn the handle and get George to pop out by himself yet, but he loves it when I help him. He is surprised every time George jumps up at him. His unbridled delight is just too much fun! I love it! This is what makes being a mom fun! I'm particularly blessed to be able to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) so I get to have a lot more of these moments with my son.
Of course, he's crawling at quite a rapid clip by now and having to watch him every single minute and go running after him every time he heads for something he shouldn't (like electrical cords) and that parts not always so enjoyable. But, ya know, I'm gonna miss this, so I better enjoy him and this stage. But, just between you and me, I sometimes wish a had a tether of some sort. Or a huge play pen. Something to keep him in one place for 5 minutes. To keep him from climbing the bookshelves while I go to the bathroom. Alas, we still have his ExcerSaucer that I can put him in- he's happy in that for approximately 10 minutes. Or however long it takes for him to throw all of his toys and Cheerios down.
But anyways, yes, I love my Baby G. I love his giggles, his chatter. The way he flirts with his eyes at the grocery store ladies who make a fuss over him and talk to him. I love it when he wants to cuddle- which isn't often because the only time he's not constantly in motion is when he's asleep. All boy, that one!
Thank God for little boys! Gotta love 'em!
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