Ok, I kinda promised myself that I wouldn't post any Christmasey pictures until after Thanksgiving, but, yeah... I rounded a corner at the store last evening and this is what I saw. And I couldn't help myself. The colors. The pictures. The
boxes. Yeah, kinda like I have a thing for olive oil and glass jars (glass of any kind, actually), I have this thing for pretty boxes. I
love these boxes! And even though I love wrapping gifts and opening wrapped gifts, packaging a gift in one of these boxes would also be super fun! I'm actually thinking about buying a few, just for decorational purposes. I don't have very many Christmas decorations (mostly because I don't allow myself to spend the money on nice ones) and these are cheap and could be used any way, anywhere, so they just might fit the bill. Plus, they're pretty, colorful, Christmas
boxes- what's not to like?
i've learned to shop after the season for my decorations! last year I bought fall stuff at 50-75% off and boy was it fun to decorate this yr ! I again this yr bought some stems of twigy stuff & berries for 75% off at Michaels They were .89 a stem! I also very carefully check out the dollar store and usualy find somethings there - ribbon, beaded fruit, etc.