I thought I would try something a little different for today and tomorrow. Yes, we already had one turkey dinner that I had nothing to do with said production. But since I love (love) Thanksgiving leftovers, I'm making our own Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow evening. We may have some other friends over, we may not. Regardless, we'll have some glorious leftovers. I purchased a 15.36 lb. turkey today and it is now resting in the fridge, having been massaged with Cajun Turkey Rub. So these are the spices, plus salt and pepper, that are used in the rub. Tomorrow I'll do a picture of the roasted turkey. We'll see how it turns out- this is the very first turkey I've ever roasted all by myself.
But back to the point- the recipe. You see, I have to confess, I am not a fan of turkey. Never have been. At least, not unless it's been roasted with this rub. A turkey done following this recipe is the only turkey I have ever liked. Period. I know, how very unAmerican of me to admit to disliking turkey. Side note: The turkey, had Ben Franklin had his way, would have become our national bird. Not sure why it lost out to the bald eagle, but it did. Can you imagine how different our Thanksgiving dinners would be today if it had been the other way around? We probably wouldn't be eating turkey, that's for sure. Who knows- we may have been eating bald eagle.
So yeah, this is pretty much the best turkey ever. I'll post the recipe and some tips handed down to me by my Grandma tomorrow when I post the photo of the end result.
Anyone else out there who is not particularly fond of turkey? Is there any way of preparing it that makes it palatable to you? If there isn't, definitely bookmark this recipe for next year!
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